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Ελάτε να εμπνευστούμε όμορφα πράγματα μέσα από όμορφες σκέψεις

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Mindfulness isn’t just about sitting on a cushion and watching the breath, though that is a great way to learn and internalize the practice. Being mindful is about consciously being more present in our lives – in every single waking moment. In this simple infographic, clinical psychologist Elisha Goldstein describes the positive habits he notices among mindful people. What can you take on from the list below?

Infographic from Mindful


HABIT: Approach everyday things with curiosity – and savor them
INSPIRATION: Being mindful in day-to-day life entails non-judgmental observation of the details – whether it’s watching every inhalation and exhalation during a meditation session, bringing the entire attention to washing the dishes, or really enjoying a good meal. Take some inspiration from nature and marvel like a child at the beauty of these blooming blossoms.

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HABIT: Forgive their mistakes – big or small
INSPIRATION: Everyone makes mistakes, at least now and then. Forgiveness presents the opportunity to reflect on shortcomings and then move past them – no matter how big or small the transgression. Need a little push? Sign up for the Tutu Forgiveness Challenge.

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HABIT: Show gratitude for good moments – and grace for bad ones
INSPIRATION: Being thankful for the good things (and accepting of the not-so-fun stuff) helps to crystallize our appreciation of life – from the weather to our nearest and dearest, and simple things like good food and music. Even better? Being grateful is good for you – it’s a scientific fact. Watch this heart-warming video about gratitude and say thank you to someone – or something- today.

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HABIT: Practice compassion and nurture connections
INSPIRATION: Compassion can be internal – when you notice your own suffering and think about how to make it better – or external, caring for the people in your life. It is from this strong, kind place that we can make a difference to the world around us – just like the inspirational speakers on this list of TED talks that spark social change.

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HABIT: Make peace with imperfection – inside and out
INSPIRATION: Recognizing that nothing and no one is perfect can bring with it liberation – and a whole lot of peace. So, embrace your beauty and smile for the camera – as this creative Dove campaign urges us to do.

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HABIT: Embrace vulnerability by trusting others – and themselves
INSPIRATION: Tapping into your deepest, darkest emotions takes a lot of courage, that’s for sure – but it’s so worthwhile. When we let our guard down and take the leap – we can achieve truly amazing things.

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HABIT: Accept – and appreciate – that things come and go
INSPIRATION: Everything comes and goes – sooner or later. It is one of the simplest truths of this life, and it’s what makes savoring what we have – when we have it – so very important. Step one? Put down your cell phone and engage with the world around you. Digital detox, now.

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artpointview.gr @ 2024