Home Πολιτισμος «Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ No More Shall We Part, 14 paintings 17 years later» στις εκδόσεις ΣΤΕΡΕΩΜΑ

«Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ No More Shall We Part, 14 paintings 17 years later» στις εκδόσεις ΣΤΕΡΕΩΜΑ

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 Εκδόσεις Στερέωμα/ Λεύκωμα NMSWP/Στέφανος Ρόκος 

Οι Εκδόσεις Στερέωμα της οικογένειας Σιόλα, απέκτησαν την αποκλειστική διάθεση του λευκώματος «Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ No More Shall We Part, 14 paintings 17 years later», που περιλαμβάνει μεταξύ άλλων φωτογραφίες των 14 έργων που φιλοτεχνήθηκαν την περίοδο 2016-2018 και παρουσιάστηκαν στο Μουσείο Μπενάκη και στην Bernaerts Gallery της Αμβέρσας, στίχους των 12 τραγουδιών του ομώνυμου album, εισαγωγικό σημείωμα του Nick Cave και κείμενο του Jim Sclavunos.

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Stefanos Rokos’ album “Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ No More Shall We Part, 14 paintings 17 years later” includes fourteen paintings created by the artist between 2016-2018, based on the same number of songs from Nick Cave’s album “No more shall we part”, which were presented in 2019 in an exhibition at the Benaki Museum and at the Bernaerts gallery in Antwerp in the autumn of the same year. It is a visual approach to the musical work, an illustration of the dialectical relationship that can develop between painting and songwriting, the two art forms that form the hard core of Stefanos Rokos’ artistic expression and creation.

The album, masterfully designed by graphic designer Manolis Sporidis, includes, in addition to the photographs of the works, the lyrics of the songs, an introductory note by Nick Cave and text by Jim Sclavunos. Produced with unique care and attention to detail, it won a commendation at the Graphic Design and Illustration Awards (EBGE).

The edition is bilingual Greek – English.

Original title : Stefanos Rokos: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ No More Shall We Part, 14 paintings 17 years later
Original language : Greek
Translation : Manos Tziritas – Niki Prodromidou
Preface : Nick Cave
Introduction : Jim Sclavunos
ISBN : 978-618-00-0876-0
Publishers’ price : 60,00€
Web Price : 60,00€
BiblioNet Entry

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